Important Note: If you have or think you have a medical emergency/urgency, visit the nearest doctor/hospital or in emergency dial 1669. Do not use this form or email us for those kind or problems. Also do not rely on any online communication through this website/email/facebook for immediate or urgent medical need. This website does not provide medical advice and not designed to facilitate medical emergency.
If you want to :
- Learn more about our service, vaccine price, our opening hours or
- Make an appointment to our Travel Clinic or
- Have some specific inquires about travel health issues
Please visit our official website –> Go to our Official Travel Clinic Website
Contact address
Thai Travel Clinic
Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
420/6 Rajvithi Rd, Rajthewi
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
(Map and Direction-click here)
Telephone: 02-3069100 ext 3034 or 02-3069145 (Office hour on Mon-Fri)
02-3069199 (Extended service on Mon-Tue 16.00-19.00 and Sat 8.00am-12.00pm)
FAX: 02-3069145
Email: Have a Question? –>try our FAQ first
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