Thai Travel Clinic

Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University

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มี 137 ผู้มาเยือน และ ไม่มีสมาชิกออนไลน์ ออนไลน์


Education and Research


       Apart from service part in "Thai Travel Clinic", our staffs also play majors role in research and education as well. We established our academic part, the "Travel Medicine Research Unit" since 2006. It is the part of Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine in faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University. We responsible in all areas of travel medicine including service part, education and also research activity. We aim to be the leader in Travel Medicine in Thailand.




Our staffs teach various topics in the field of Travel medicine in our formal course in Mahidol University namely; D.T.M&H, M.C.T.M, M.Sc. and Ph.D.(Trop Med). From 2014, our hospital will be the first institute in Thailand that could offer the Residency Training in Travel Medicine for Thai doctors. Apart from the formal courses, our staffs have been invited to be speakers in academic meeting in national, regional and international level.


More information on : Training opportunities in Tropical/Travel Medicine

                                Residency Training in Travel Medicine (For Thai doctors)

 Our perspective in the residency training published in the JTM




As a part of Mahidol University, a leading research university in Thailand, one of our key mission is "Research excellence in Travel Medicine field in Thailand" Thanks to strong support from the Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine, the Hospital for tropical diseases and the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, since 2006, we were able to publish more than 30 articles in travel-medicine related field.


More information on: Research Activities
                               Our Publications and presentation



Elective opportunities

         Each year we receive many requests from medical students/doctors/residents and research volunteer from all around the world for the opportunity to join us. Although we try to accommodate you all, we have some limitations. Only a limited number of requests will be successful. Read more....



International Collaboration

Our unit, Travel Medicine Research Unit, on behalf of Faculty of Tropical Medicine has joined the GeoSentinel Surveillance Networks since 2006. It is the largest international network of travel/tropical medicine clinic all around the worlds.

More information on GeoSentinel and Thai Travel Clinic